Dress To Win

Finest corporate and formal uniform in high quality fabrics is sophisticated and stylish. Enjoy bulk purchase in USA, California from global supplier. Know More

Workers' Uniforms

Lay hands on the top quality and best priced wholesale industrial, construction worker uniforms and other EMS clothing from global manufacturer in USA. Read More

Lifestyle Dresses

The topmost supplier in USA, UK, Australia and Canada to make wholesale purchase of ladies corporate wear and trendy beauty dresses cheap collection. See The Collections

Medical Uniforms

Make bulk purchase of doctor's, nurses, hospital uniform and pants at wholesale discount and quality fabric from Oasis Uniform. Visit Here

Law Enforcement Police Uniforms

Enjoy bulk purchases of law enforcement uniforms from global uniform supplier and manufacturer USA, UK, Canada and Australia. Read More

Thursday, 25 March 2021

The Different Mask Trends Offered – 3 Designs To Look For

If you want to find out the mask trends that shaped most of the previous year, then check out this blog today and read about the mask trends that morphed its way from being boring, irritating pieces to simple yet effective clothing extensions.

Get in touch with a leading surgical face mask manufacturer, as they are offering the best mask pieces today:

Prints and motifs

Similar to clothing, masks have also come up with a new variation, of prints and motifs that is being increasingly a big thing, as people are running out of ways to dress the masks according to the dress they are wearing. A printed mask offered by a leading 3 ply surgical mask manufacturer in USA can simply cater to an easier way of dressing the dress!

Shades in mono

Obviously if you are searching for something minimal, that is okay with your taste, you can find out the best mono shaded face masks that have unique ways to its look and the way it is dressed. If you want to find out the unique ones, get in touch with a manufacturer near you, and find out uncommon color shades and add them to your collection.


Face masks are coming up with colors of your choice as well. Simply, contact a manufacturer, brief them about a choice of shade that you prefer, and make the mask design according to your briefing. This will give you the freedom to do something new and add a new shade to your collection, if you may!

Order from the best surgical mask manufacturer and get your trends for the store stock today! 

To view the entire cataloge visit at  https://www.oasisuniform.net/catalog-download/

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Why Restaurateurs Need To Invest In Good Chef’s Coat For Their Staff

If you are in the restaurant industry, you should be well-aware of the fact that your food is the key to the fame of your hotel. If you are serving the top food, then you have to be running on the top. Therefore, as a restaurant owner, you have to be very specific about your restaurant’s kitchen, its hygiene, food prep procedure, and the chefs.

Ultimately, it’s the chef who has an essential role in prepping food that is served in your restaurant. Thus, their work hygiene and safety are absolutely the main concerns, and therefore, here comes the role of a chef’s uniform.

A chef’s uniform first and foremost consists of pants, a chef coat, and a chef hat. The use of chef coat has been dated back in centuries and is fundamentally what differentiates a professional chef from a normal cook. 

You can offer the element of uniqueness and work comfort to your restaurant chefs by simply choosing widely designed chef coats for them from the suppliers of uniform wholesalers. A chef jacket in all parts of the globe is designed with key elements in mind like safety, comfort, functionality, and aesthetics. Therefore, they are made of heavy cotton fabrics for safety concerns and breathability. These are typically 100% spun polymer fabrics that can protect the chef from heat and any splashes of hot substances. They are dual-breasted and designed to be worn reversible in case the jacket gets stained.

Nevertheless, the length of sleeves might differ according to one’s comfort and needs. They can be short or long and both of them have perks in their way. Whilst the long sleeves guard the arms against cuts or burns, short sleeves aid keep the uniform out of the way avoiding any dangers.

Therefore, as a restaurateur, it’s clever enough to spend on proper chef coats that have the newest features such as carry pockets, ideal stand-up collars, vented cuffs, fire resistance, wrinkle-resistance, etc.

Business owners looking to add wholesale uniforms to their stores need to contact popular manufacturers.

To view the entire cataloge visit at https://www.oasisuniform.net/catalog-download/